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Handmade Egg Rolls 手造鸡蛋卷 (21pcs/tin)
Handmade Egg Rolls 手造鸡蛋卷 (21pcs/tin)

Hang Heung’s signature Egg Rolls’ fame is as old as its recipe. It is the perfect combination of premium flour and eggs, offering a unique flaky & soft texture and authentic taste. We’re delighted to be presented Gold Award in 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022 in the prestigious international competition, Monde Selection, headquartered in Belgium since 1961. 恆香元朗仓房日日新鲜烘制,百分百人手制作,口感松脆,入口即化的鸡蛋卷,连续4年荣获世界品质评鉴大赏,是恆香招牌产品之一,人手卷制的双层鸡蛋卷,严选新鲜鸡蛋收制出经典传统味道,蛋香醇香,风味独特,沉淀了难忘的经典风味。

Butter Cookies 牛油曲奇 (10pcs/box)
Butter Cookies 牛油曲奇 (10pcs/box)

Hang Heung's traditional butter cookies are delicate, light, and most importantly, irresistible! 采用优质牛油,牛油味香浓细腻,传统唧花曲奇,一口一件,入口轻盈松化。

[20% SUPER E.B.] Double Yolk White Lotus Paste Mooncake 双黄白莲蓉月饼 4pcs (U.P. S$78.80)
[20% SUPER E.B.] Double Yolk White Lotus Paste Mooncake 双黄白莲蓉月饼 4pcs (U.P. S$78.80)

Hang Heung is well-known for its Signature Double Yolk White Lotus Paste Mooncake. Using specially selected premium lotus seeds from Hunan, Xianglian, the process of making the lotus paste is laborious as each step is crucial to the end taste and texture. Most crucial and rigorous process is the preparation of the lotus paste. In order to produce a smooth and silky paste, and maintain the fragrance and natural sweetness of the lotus seed, temperature and time taken to mix the mashed paste, coupled with perfect ratio of sugar and water is the key. With the silky paste, grainy rich salted egg yolks and baked skin, Hang Heung's Double Yolk White Lotus Paste Mooncake is one signature mooncake that you should not miss. 恆香首创自家白莲蓉,传统双黄白莲蓉月饼远近驰名,元朗自设莲蓉厂,选用顶级湘潭贡莲,被誉为“中国第一莲子”,每颗12.5毫米大小,为古代朝廷贡品。湘莲粒大饱满,洁白圆润,由拥有四十多年经验的恒香老师傅手工制作,当中「铲莲蓉」的工序繁多严谨,以古法铜镬炒煮,保存纯正莲蓉清,甜,香三大重要元素,火候及时间必须拿捏准确,更需不断加热搅拌数小时,直至糖分和湿度达至完美比例,细腻甘香的恆香莲蓉就此诞生,再配合油润甘香的15克顶级咸蛋黄和入口松软的传统广式饼皮,风味醇厚不腻,令人齿颊留香。

[20% SUPER E.B.] Fortune Blessings Assorted Mooncakes 四喜满堂月饼 4pcs (U.P. S$78.80)
[20% SUPER E.B.] Fortune Blessings Assorted Mooncakes 四喜满堂月饼 4pcs (U.P. S$78.80)

Offering a variety for gifting, this set comes with four different flavours, each highlighting its handcrafted expertise: Double Yolk White Lotus Paste Mooncake x 1pc Double Yolk Classic Lotus Paste Mooncake x 1pc Double Yolk Red Bean Paste Mooncake x 1pc Five Nuts Mooncake x 1pc 每个礼盒包含了: 双黄白莲蓉月饼 x 1pc 双黄红莲蓉月饼 x 1pc 双黄红豆沙月饼 x 1pc 伍仁月饼 x 1pc

Sanhe Cha 三和茶 (10pkts/tin)
Sanhe Cha 三和茶 (10pkts/tin)

Contains 10 packets (loose leaf tea) per tin. Good for pairing with snacks & soothing to the throat. Contains 3 main beneficial ingredients: Xi Huang Cao (detox and expels body heat), Luo Han Guo Hua (natural nectar & vitamin C) & Chicken Boneweed (nourishes liver). 三和茶主要成份为溪黃草、罗汉果花和鸡骨草。 溪黃草为草本植物,可令三和茶清热解毒,保肝护肝;三和茶中的罗汉果花则含天然花蜜,具丰富维生素C;鸡骨草则可舒肝祛湿。 三和茶味道由甘至甜,茶香愈泡愈柔和,清香润喉。三和茶不论是单纯饮用或是配搭小食、月饼,也是相得益彰。